Monday 5 May 2014

Erinyes - Development


Since this creature was known to have a coal black body, I would like to try and create this as part of the makeup, hair and styling.

Spraying a model a different colour does not seem to be very popular, so I like the idea of trying it out.

I have a few ideas that I would like to look in to..

Makeup design 1
I like this design, but I feel that the monobrow is completely irrelevant to the creature and would not want this to be the first point seen in the image. I am trying to show the modern world a contemporary version of Greek mythology so do not want to change the main characteristics.
Makeup design 2

I tried recreating the design without the monobrow, but I feel that the makeup needs something more.
This design was very hard to create on paper, but it shows a completely blacked out face. I would do this using black hair spray and black aqua/supra colour. I feel that this design would be best and would like to use this as my final for the creature.

I decided to test out the black makeup on the model beforehand to ensure that it would work ok. I did a test shoot which came out great. I used a shimmering highlighter on the cheeks and shoulder bones for them to help add more of a silhouette effect.

I would like to use this for my final makeup design.

This design shows what I will be doing with the hair and makeup design

Since it will be sprayed black, I will keep the hair simple and pulled back. I do not want to show any strands or a ponytail in the final images, so will ensure that it is all clipped back securely.


I will put the model in a black bra so that the whole of her face and body is black. I want to eventually create a silhouette effect with the black painted model on a black background.


I will capture half head shots, head shots, head & shoulder shots and half body shots. This way I will have a selection to choose from at the end in order to vary the book.

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